Note: The writer of this letter sent a copy to April Kauffman on,
Sat, 10 Oct 2009 10:32:49 EDT, and gave permission for posting.

Sent: 10/10/2009 10:27:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Linwood Tragedy


As I read these articles about the tragedy in Linwood, my psyche starts to wretch. When totally innocent people are maimed and murdered, when a maniac is protected by the law from being hauled away “before” he can commit a heinous crime, when the police and the municipality do nothing to prevent a crime and merely point fingers “after” it’s happened….well quite frankly I am appalled…and  also should the rest of the community!!


I am not an expert, but from what I read, my opinion is that this guy is sick in the head and posed a clear and noxious threat to all who got near him. Catherine McGowen knew it, so did her family. The neighbors knew it AND SO DID THE LINWOOD POLICE AND MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS KNOW IT.!!! With all this knowledge by upstanding citizens and their police, Catherine McGowen is dead. Her daughter is maimed and so is a brave  man willing to intercede….So who is to blame?


I think by now one can interpolate precisely what my opinion is!  However, my opinion on this issue is not the point here.  It is more important for each of us to establish our own opinion…and then express it in places where it counts…So that change can happen, because that’s the only way something like this can be stopped from happening again. Unfortunately it is too late for Catherine McGowen, but it is not too late for the next innocent victim.


But that's just my opinion.


Larry Silk